Hallo I am a stock trader. I am having an profit and loss account Excel file with two tables in it. One table is for delivery based spot market trades and other for derivative trades. I need a formula for extracting unique sorted list from two different columns ignoring blank cells. Two columns in my case are from above two different tables. These are columns for dates and thus is a numerical data. The co-founder Mynda says that a formula is not possible for older version of Excel and the outcome can be achieved only through Power Query. I can't spend time learning Power Query just for this single use case. Can anyone tell me what exact steps are to be taken to achieve the objective?
Hi Vijay,
Can you please supply an example file showing the result you are after?
I have attached the file. I have tried with some formula but it doesn't work in older versions of Excel because of two different columns. Can you please tell how to do it using power query?
I don't know if I'm just dense this morning or what, I'm confused as to what you're looking for? You're looking for a unique list of dates from both of your tables, am I understanding correctly?
Hi Vijay,
I agree with Jessica, the question is not clear because you didn't provide an example in the file that shows the desired result as requested by Phil. If you can add an example of the result you're looking for, then there is less chance of ambiguity, and we can help you more quickly.
There are two tables viz JAN and CASH01. Each have their second column as 'DATE'. The dates in both column can be same if I execute trades in both the segment (Spot market and derivative market) on same date. As seen in the file, I just want to extract unique and sorted {Sorted from early to later date} list of dates from these two columns into the column AX below the title 'DATE' from cell AX2 onwards. As you can see the only viable formula that I have entered in AX2 throws #NA error occasionally which I don't want. Since at the start of the month there will be lots of blank cells in the lower rows of the columns hence they needs be ignored by the formula.
I want this list so that I can extract summed up CN VALUE (Contract note value) corresponding to each date in the adjacent column AY.
The file is attached in my earlier reply. If you need any further clarifications on the desired outcome please reply without any hesitation. Thanks for the prompt response.
Once you start working in Power Query and get to know what you can do with it, you will start using it, so I do think you should put some time to learn using it.
The method used is described in Combine Excel worksheets with Power Query.
The table in AX column needs to be updated after you add more dates in your JAN or CASH01 tables, just right click any cell in that table and click update.
I also took the liberty to write another formula in AY column, so you get correct results, based on my assumption of what you want to see.
As you are stock trader, perhaps this could be of interest Personal Stock Portfolio Dashboard.
Thank you so much Anders and thanks for the formula in column AY too. It works well. I will definitely look forward to learn Power Query in the future whenever I will be having some spare time; as per your advice. Thanks again.