Welcome To Our New Learning Management System
All course members with active course enrolments have had their courses and user profiles moved to our new LMS.
Please check your email for full details and instructions.
Logging In To The New LMS
If you are seeing this message you will need to login to the new LMS to access your courses.
You need to use the email address linked to your account as your username.
If this is your first time logging in to the LMS, you will need to set a new password.
To login click this link => Login to LMS
To reset your password, click the Login to LMS link above. You'll be taken to the login form (shown below), then click on the link highlighted in red.
You'll be sent an email with a link to set a new password.
Once you login you will be shown a list of your courses. Click the green 'Continue' buttons to access them.
Ongoing Improvements
Over the coming weeks there will be further improvements to your learning experience. We'll keep you updated via email.
If You have Any Problems
Whilst we have spent many weeks preparing this new LMS for you, you might find something that doesn't quite work 100% as expected.
If you come across anything that is an issue, please email us at website@myonlinetraininghub.com and include screenshots.
Mynda & Phil