It might be easier to do as Riny suggested, but I just added an "IF" clause at the beginning of my original formula. If the LEN of the number is less ...
I think your best bet is Power Query, I'm trying to get something worked up for you but I have been slammed. My thinking is to group all rows by symbo...
No attachment, don't forget after selecting your file to click start upload and wait for the grey check mark.
Are you looking for something like this?
As long as the subsequent files that PQ is pulling the information from are in a shared file there should be no issues using PQ. I have spreadsheets I...
This definitely sounds like a solution for PQ! I love PQ and highly recommend it to anybody. Here is an article to get you started on VLOOKUPS in Powe...
I'm confused. Are you looking for Formula Text? A formula that will display the formula that was used in a cell? A query expands and contracts with th...
Mynda has a great video on the subject, you can find it here, come back if you need further help.
I can't manipulate your data as it is in read-only mode. Data Validation can only take your list of cells for your drop-down, but you CAN manipulat...
Are you looking for something like this?
My first thought is to pivot the rows but I'm not sure if I'm totally understanding your current layout. If pivoting the rows doesn't work upload a sa...
Right-click and drag, and it will pop up an options box go down to "Series..." change "Step Value" to 7. Mynda has a video specifically addressing the...
Also, if you would like the visual you can use conditional formatting using this formula: OR($B3="Withdrawal",$B3="Transfer_Out") and color the ...
I second the pivot table idea! ๐
I would suggest pulling your source from a folder shown in Get Files from Folder with Power Query. Hope this helps! ๐