Last seen: Jan 29, 2025
@ingaiyoung, I will try to answer, assuming it is the LookupResults names in the LET formula that you are wondering about. Even though Mynda has given...
Hello, See attached file for one solution. If you're using old Excel version then this will not work for you. To simplify things I suggest you w...
Hello, It is possible with VBA, as I am not using VBA myself I am not able to write some code for you. Added below is the answer from one of the AI...
Hello, You should move in the SEQUENCE part to the month section in the DATE function, as in below example: =TEXT(DATE(2024,SEQUENCE(12,1,3,1),1...
Hello, What Excel version are you using? As you use the old .xls file extension I suspect you might use an old version. In general, to find the ...
Hello, I assume you are running Microsoft Windows 10 or 11. Could be an update that didn't get installed correct, Check your Windows Update hist...
Hello, Based on that I always work with data in a tabular format and thus have not experimented with twisting the functions in a scenario like this...
Hello, You can do the calculation in Power Query if you only are interested in the year diffence between end and start date. Extract start and end ...
Hello, The reason I choosed not to reuse your range of data is because it is in wrong format and not suitable as a table. Of course that can be fix...
Hello, Attached is an example which in my view is an easier and better approach, but you need of course an Excel version having the newer functions...
Hello, Just tested to add som new sub-categories and categories in a fresh downloaded copy of the personal budget file, had no issues. Br, Ander...
Hello Stuart, If you expand the formula bar you will see the rest of the formula, you can either click on the arrow on far right, press CTRL + SHIF...
Hello, There are ways to minimize the data size, for example this article about Reduce the file size of your Excel spreadsheets. The best tip is to...
Hello, Difficult issue there. I have not stumbled upon such issue myself, but anyway, something seems to trigger the creation of those other querie...
Hello, Attached is a formula version based on what you have entered manually, I might have got the wrong understanding, but it is adjustable so jus...