I am not clear with what you need help with, I mean, you have the values there. Can you examplify with how you want it?
Apart from that, I wonder why you have cluttered the file with the TRUE/FALSE checks? You can for example use SUMIF(S) to get the amount for correct column.
Example: Cell H8 =SUMIFS($G8,H$5,MEDIAN($D8,$E8,H$5))
Hi Anders
Thank you for your response.
Calculating the amounts per month from cell H8 to H70 is not a problem.
My only problem is calculating the month end balance values in cells H85, I85,J85, etc
I have calculated these balances by month in this attached sample spreadsheet, example in cell Q23, R23, S23...
But I have to manually calculate this every month end.
What I am trying to do is automate this calculation, by looking at the dates and amounts paid by the relevant month end dates, deducting the month's "expense" eg Q22 and automatically calculating the amount of advance payment remaining at the end of the relevant month end.
The following months more funds are received and the same calculation needs to be done again for eg, cell R23 and so on.
I hope that this sample spreadsheet makes more sense.
Thank you once again for your guidance.
I have written a sumproduct formula in the cells under your expected results. Hope it helps! 🙂
Hi Jessica
Thank you so much, that is exactly what I needed. You a star!!