Thanks for the great videos you always share. This time I was trying to take advantage of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpOU5bsYmC4&t=328s and I cannot seem to make my picture pop wether it's with the slicer or DV, what comes up is an image, but of the referenced cell using the formula the one you named "profile_slicer". I really hope is not a fool mistake b/c I have tried several times without succes.
Thanks in advance for your reply, and thanks again for the great work you guys develop.
Best regards.
Picture details: Pivot table with the slicer selected the referenced cell, and it can be observed the cell given name.
The picture is broken. It is better if you can upload the Excel file.
Hello Anders,
Please find attached the worksheet.
Thanks for your support.
D. A.
Hi Daniel,
Seems you missed a step when uploading the file. There is a short video here guiding on how to go about.
Im sorry, I got confused dragging the file instead.
Hope this one works.
Have a great day Anders.
D. A.
Due to capacity link to drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ECR-MinJ3B5Gnltn6ktAotxr3HCyKqnD?usp=sharing
Hello Daniel!
Thanks for the link to the file. Yes, you had just forgot one simple detail to get this to work.
See step 5 in this article, it mentions there you need to use INDIRECT function. When adding the missing function it works just fine to get correct picture using the slicer you have created. I also noticed you do not have BARRENO_3, but a BARRENO_4. When renaming that cell it worked too.
Hello Anders,
Thank you very much it works perfectly now. Thanks for the feedback!
Have a graet weekend!
D. A.