Welcome to our forum. Here are a few rules and guidelines to help you get started and make your experience here a good one.
If you can follow these rules then this will give you the best chance of getting an answer to your problem.
Creating a Post / Registering
Our public forums can be read by anyone, but if you want to post a question you must first register an account:
If you already have a login to our site because you are a course member, you do not need to create a separate forum account. Just login with your course username and you can post questions.
- All posts are moderated. Don't even bother trying to post adverts.
- Make the title of your post short and use it to explain the problem.
- Attach your workbook containing the data and/or macro you are having an issue with. I can't stress this enough. Don't type in lots of data or code. We don't have time to recreate the workbooks.
- State what version of Excel you are using. Are you on a Mac or PC?
- If your file is too large to attach in the forum, save it somewhere else like OneDrive or Dropbox and link to it.
- Describe your issue clearly and explain what you expect as a result. Include examples of how you want things to work.
- If you have posted the issue on another forum (cross-posting) then say so and link to it.
- When replying to a post, do not quote the entire post, doing so is just cluttering up the thread and the quote will be deleted.
- Always start your own post. Do not add your post to an existing thread.
- Don't open multiple posts for the same issue.
- Everything in your post or in any attachments/workbook you provide are publicly accessible. Do not post or include private or sensitive data in files.
How To Create a Post and Attach a File
This short video shows you how to create a post and attach your file(s) to the post.
General Rules
- Always communicate in a manner that is respectful towards others, and consider carefully before making posts if the content might cause offence.
- You must not use abusive, harassing or vulgar language. No racial, religious or ethnic slurs, sexist or slanderous communication will be tolerated. Moderators and administrators will remove your account.
- All posts are moderated. Spam will not be tolerated. Linking to 3rd party sites may be acceptable if they help address the problem.
- Images that are not appropriate are not to be posted or used as avatars.
- Do not solicit business or payment
By using this forum you acknowledge these rules and agree to follow them.
Breaking any of these rules may result in a warning, editing or removal of your post, or you may be banned from the forum.
Moderators and administrators have final determination on all matters.
These rules may be modified at any time.