If I want to use a formula to display the same value in cell B2 as cell A1, usually the steps are to select cell B2, type = and select/type A1. The end result in cell B2 will show =A1.
How do I start from A1 cell and send the value to cell B2? I am not looking for the copy and paste function but the end result in B2 is still =A1.
I am sure this can be done because I have seen it done a long time ago.
Might as well ask a 2nd question which is somewhat similar. Since the above is possible, is it possible to build a formula by selecting multiple cell values first from all over a workbook and the final step is to choose which cell to display the result?
Thank you in advance.
Hello Vincent,
Might be that you refer to the old XLM macros used before VBA, there is an article about it that could be of interest. There you have a function called FORMULA that does what you want. I have never used this so I can't tell if that is what you are after. Otherwise you can do something similar using VBA.
Regarding your second question, I really doubt it is possible, but who knows, maybe with VBA. I am no coder so I am just guessing.