November 13, 2020
Going down the rabbit hole.
Excel 2019.
Initial data from a Word Table. Done a lot to get it into an excel table. Now needs 'reporting' on. (extable-01is one option for an excel table to at least use as a reporting basis).
Default table (filtering) doesn't work as includes No responses.
Pivot Table, returns counts/sums not names.
Has to be easy and updatable by end user..
End Goal: which people i.e. Names will attend session(s) on day(s) x and time(s) x.
I've tried transposing the data. Thus Names are rows, Date, time are columns. Yet similar outcome.
Wondering if I will need an excel table for date/time options. another one for Names and then somehow lookup for response.
If it was a database, I think there would be individual name, date, time, response columns. That would increase my table a lot. I could do it, yet still not sure how to answer the end goal i.e. who is coming to the 16/11/2020 session at 14:00. Blanks mean no response.
Trusted Members
December 20, 2019
July 16, 2010
Hi Andrew,
In the attached file I used Power Query to unpivot and clean the data. Then I inserted a PivotTable with Slicersto generate the report. See the sheet called Table1.
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