Hi there, hope everyone is well.
I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to extract the day from a date. In the attached book you will see I have a date in column A; I want to add a column that displays the day of the week as a text value, that the date field in column A represents. So for example if the date in column A is "7/24/2019" I want to have the text value "Wednesday" displayed in a separate column.
I have been messing with the TEXT function but can't get it to work. Can someone help?
Many thanks,
Hello Alan,
Check out this blog article for more tips and guidance.
The formula you want is =TEXT([@[Extract Date]],”dddd”)
Thanks Anders, that worked, can't believe I couldn't figure that one out myself! 🙂
Maybe with the article I will be able to get it myself next time. Thanks again.
Great that you got it to work!
I can only say that the blog articles here at MOTH are just great, those and the courses I have taken here have helped me a lot in my daily work.