I have service now export where the data has been cleaned and then there is new data and date on older data that changes, but need to be added to the existing data, without having to keep going back and cleaning the data again.
Thus I want o do a service now export yr-2-date and then merge the data but only the data that is new in one column and changed in another column. Eg., The ticket number would be added if new (not existing) then check the closed status column and updated this if it has changed on any of the existing data, and finally if the close notes column has new data change that.
Thus all the old data going back to the start of the year or more than two months ago is not changed.
I'm confused. So if I am looking for ticket #12345 it could be on multiple lines of data and you want to consolidate all the information on one line of data? Am I understanding that correctly? If you are trying to do what I think it sound like you may need VBA. If that is not what your trying to do I need clarification, maybe a sample of generalized data showing what you expect your results to look like.
Hello Tony,
Why don't you simply create a report in ServiceNow? I assume your exports comes from the Incident Management system from ServiceNow ITSM solution.
Anyway, as Jessica mentions, a sample file is needed for us to better understand what you are trying to achieve.