June 26, 2016
Hi everyone My name is A.Maurizio
And my problem is this:
On a Sheet of Excell in the Column (A2: A100) I inserted some Dates such as:
(01/04/2019) etc ...!
Now my question is this:
If I wanted to create automatically, that is using vba that gives me the possibility that at each date entered in column (A) in Column (B) one should only see the corresponding Day of the type:
Cell (A2) = (01/04/2019) in the Cell (B2) = Monday
Cell (A3) = (02/04/2019) in the Cell (B3) = Tuesday
and so on !
I succeed in my own but only for the first cell, while I would like to be able to get everything for the others as well.
Thank you for all the help you want to give me regarding Saluti Da Maurizio
June 26, 2016
Hi Philip Treacy thanks for your Aiutino.
But maybe I didn't explain myself well, but my request was not so much to enter the day based on the only date put in the cell (A2)
But to be able to extend it to all the others.
Example I scroll a date in column (A) in the same row of column (B) we need to see the Corresponding Week Day;
That's all.
And not as in my case that if I want to intervene in column (B2) onwards I have to do it by manually dragging the cell (B2) downwards.
June 26, 2016
Thanks Philip Treacy but that's not what I'd like to do.
(p.s) in addition I having ofice 2007 your method gives me error so that you wrote it to me.
But then again this is not the point.
The point is that I would create the same thing not only using vba but in the whole column (B) where in Column (A) we meet an Extended Date, Everything here.
Thank you for your support, Greetings and Happy Easter
October 5, 2010
Hi Maurizio,
I'm not having any problem with this. If the cell A9 contains a date, then the formula =TEXT(A9,"DDDD") gives me the day of the week.
Have you tried typing the formula in yourself into a new workbook, rather than using my formula and copying/dragging? I don't see where the issue is so if it's not working for you I'm unable to offer any suggestion as to why.
June 26, 2016
Hi Philip Treacy Sorry if I answer you just now; But I was busy with friends and relatives.
And even today it is applied again; This is all another story.
Having said this: Continue to thank you for your madness and availability; But I ask you to take a look at this image of mine, made only a few seconds ago in another Excel application; Which has nothing to do with the previous project.
And the result is this.
(P.s) In addition, I want to clarify that: I work with Microsoft Office 2007, which you surely have 2016 I have!
Maybe that's not right.
Finally said: Yesterday morning it occurred to me that I had already done something similar to this many years ago when I was working with VB6.
Therefore I managed to solve the whole by doing it this way.
Sub Data_Corrispondente()
On Error GoTo finish
Dim C As Range, Separ As Variant, Fecha As String
Dim Celda As Variant
Set C = Foglio2.Range("A1:A" & Foglio2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each Celda In C
With Celda
If IsDate(.Value) Then
Separ = Split(.Text, "/")
Fecha = Separ(1) & "/" & Separ(0) & "/" & Separ(2)
.Offset(, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(Fecha, "dddd")
End If
End With
Next Celda
End Sub
Thanks again for everything
Sincere Greetings from A.Maurizio
Excuse me if the listing does not put it under (Code <>) in my Post But I can never understand where this symbol is to do things as should be done.
Thank you so much and Happy Holidays
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