Active Member
October 31, 2013
I am struggling to get a satisfactory method of doing this and from googling it, it seems to be due to a suspected bug in Excel but I haven't been able to find anything that provides any help with my specific requirement.
So, if the cell and prefix to be added to the cell's contents is less than 255 characters then the following simple code does the trick:
rCell.Characters(1, 0).Insert sString
If the cell contains more than 255 characters then the Insert doesn't do anything i.e. the cell contents remain as they are without the prefix being inserted.
To get the prefix in place I have used the following:
rCell.Value = sPrefix & rCell.Value
However, that then loses all character-level formatting.
I have therefore got the following overkill code (don't laugh). The only formatting parameters I'm interested in are font colour/italics/bold and potentially size. This is simply prefixing the contents of the cell with the cell row in square brackets. I've tried to make it as efficient as possible but the trawling through the characters to get the formats is an absolute killer, so much so I've had to update the statusbar to show something's happening in order to keep the user interested.
I have even tried copying the cell's contents to Word, amending the text/formatting there and copying it back, but that was singularly unsuccessful too.
Is there a quicker/better way?
Private Sub AnnotateCell(ByRef MyCell As Range)
Dim iChr As Integer
Dim alFontColour() As Long
Dim abFontBold() As Boolean
Dim abFontItalic() As Boolean
Dim iStartColour As Integer
Dim iStartBold As Integer
Dim iStartItalic As Integer
Dim sPrefix As String
Dim lLenValue As Long
Dim lLenPrefix As Long
Dim lNewLenValue As Long
With MyCell
sPrefix = "[" & .Row & "] "
lLenValue = Len(.Value)
lLenPrefix = Len(sPrefix)
lNewLenValue = lLenPrefix + lLenValue
'/ Excel bug when inserting characters and resulting string is greater than 255 characters
'/ means I had to code around it and resulting execution is quite slow. You're welcome to
'/ find and code a better method...
If lNewLenValue <= 255 Then
.Range("A1").Characters(1, 0).Insert sPrefix
'/ Format prefixed annotation...
With .Characters(1, lLenPrefix).Font
.Color = vbRed
.Bold = True
.Italic = False
.Size = 9
End With
Else '/ we're dealing with a string > 255 chars and it's slow...
'/ Establish what characters within the cell are bold/red/etc
'/ (we don't need to worry about establishing font size for this bit)
ReDim alFontColour(1 To lNewLenValue) As Long
ReDim abFontBold(1 To lNewLenValue) As Boolean
ReDim abFontItalic(1 To lNewLenValue) As Boolean
'/ Populate array of formats for first n characters for prefix
For iChr = 1 To lLenPrefix
alFontColour(iChr) = 255 'vbRed
abFontBold(iChr) = True
abFontItalic(iChr) = False
Next iChr
'/ Now populate rest of array with formats for characters which will be offset
'/ by length of sPrefix
For iChr = 1 To lLenValue
If iChr Mod 10 = 0 Then
Application.StatusBar = "Analysing row " & .Row _
& " (" & iChr & " of " & lLenValue & " characters)..."
End If
With .Characters(iChr, 1)
alFontColour(iChr + lLenPrefix) = .Font.Color
abFontBold(iChr + lLenPrefix) = .Font.Bold
abFontItalic(iChr + lLenPrefix) = .Font.Italic
End With
Next iChr
.Value = sPrefix & .Value
'/ Apply 'default' formatting to the cell
.Font.Color = 0
.Font.Bold = False
.Font.Italic = False
'/ Now reapply formatting to any characters that do not conform to default
'/ (arbitary use of abBold array - could've been any of the related arrays)
iStartColour = 1
iStartBold = 1
iStartItalic = 1
For iChr = LBound(abFontBold) + 1 To UBound(abFontBold)
'/ Tell user something's happening
If iChr Mod 10 = 0 Then
Application.StatusBar = "Reformatting row " & .Row _
& " (" & iChr & " of " & lNewLenValue & " characters)..."
End If
'/ If font changes colour then update all characters identified so far with previous colour...
If alFontColour(iChr) <> alFontColour(iChr - 1) Then
If alFontColour(iStartColour) <> 0 Then
.Characters(iStartColour, iChr - iStartColour).Font.Color = alFontColour(iStartColour)
End If
iStartColour = iChr '/ repopulated for next change...
End If
'/ ...and ditto with bold property...
If abFontBold(iChr) <> abFontBold(iChr - 1) Then
If abFontBold(iStartBold) Then
.Characters(iStartBold, iChr - iStartBold).Font.Bold = True
End If
iStartBold = iChr
End If
'/ ...and finally italics
If abFontItalic(iChr) <> abFontItalic(iChr - 1) Then
If abFontItalic(iStartItalic) Then
.Characters(iStartItalic, iChr - iStartItalic).Font.Italic = True
End If
iStartItalic = iChr
End If
'Font size is retained so no processing required for that
Next iChr
'/ ...and apply formatting to final few characters
If alFontColour(iStartColour) <> 0 Then
.Characters(iStartColour, iChr - iStartColour).Font.Color = alFontColour(iStartColour)
End If
If abFontBold(iStartBold) Then
.Characters(iStartBold, iChr - iStartBold).Font.Bold = True
End If
If abFontItalic(iStartItalic) Then
.Characters(iStartItalic, iChr - iStartItalic).Font.Italic = True
End If
End If
End With
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Thanks for any help
Active Member
October 31, 2013
Thanks Phil - I didn't anticipate a response from anyone for a day or so, so thank you for your timely response, albeit I don't think it is exactly what I needed.
The formatting I am talking about is at character level within the cell text, so the text within the cell could look something like:
"This text is bold, this is bold and red and this is bold, blue and italic."
Using your method clears out all that formatting - at least it does in Excel 2010 which is what we're restricted to using at work.
If the length of the string plus the new prefix is less than or equal to 255 characters then the following command works fine and retains character level formatting:
Range("A1").Characters(1, 0).Insert Prefix
If the length of the string and prefix together is greater than 255 it doesn't.
Sorry - I should have been clearer.
Trusted Members
October 17, 2018
Hi John,
That the code's slow can also be due to tha fact that your screen updating is still on and maybe you've got automaticl calculaions on.
Add the code at the beginning to te set this all to false at the start en reactivate it at the end.
This will in some way speedup macro processing and also a DoEvents
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