Hello everyone My name is A.Maurizio
And my problem is this: Do not tell me that I'm heavy because I always go back to more or less
the same questions; But believe me I do it exclusively because I want to learn the most
The fact is this:
Using this site: https://www.worldweatheronline.com/torino-weather/kostroma/ru.aspx
I would like to be able to extract the minimum and maximum amounts of these weather forecasts.
and insert this data into the soe cells (A1) and (A2) of the Excel sheet.
How and Possible Faretutto Thanks
(P.s) I tried with the method (innerText) combined with a cell; But it does not work ?
Hi Maurizio,
Have you gone through these posts
Hi Philip Treacy Thanks for the Tip
But I still have a couple of little things to put in place; As if I touch ina code, it moves all the other entries already inserted in the cells of the excel sheet.
But in principle, I must say that I managed to get a good job.
Anyway, thank you again for everything; Salutida A.Maurizio