Dear all,
I am having issue building a formula that should be simple. Still, it is not working and I hope one of you will be able to help.
Data are in a table. Below is the function :
SUMIFS(Table8[Facture Marchandise HT](sum range ok);Text(Table8[Date Devis];"m")(criteria range which is the issue);COLUMN('DashBoard 2019'!G:G)(criteria chosen ok))
My criteria range (Date devis) is a list of date. I would like to use only the month as my criteria is a number. So I thought that I would use the function text with "m" as the format. But it is not working. Anyone has a clue why ?
Am trying to avoid recreating an additionnal column with the month in my database ...
Hope I have been clear enough, I have added a file, hope it helps clarifying.
Thanks a lot, if anyone can help, would be great.
I think this has to do with the TEXT function, not being able to use it for a range (ie E1:E7). In your column D the function refers only to one cell at a time, that's the difference. Maybe somebody here knows a substitute for you to use. I can't figure out how to do it.
Hi Nicolas,
Try this formula:
If you want the date field to be dynamic then you can replace DATE(...) with a reference to a cell or something else.
More on working with dates as criteria in SUMIFS.
Thanks Myanda. Works perfectly !