Does anyone know a good beginners book for excel?
Hello Mike,
There are of course lots of books covering from beginner to expert levels, as I have not read any such books I don’t know how good or useful they are. Here is a list of recommended books from another site. Hope it helps.
You are stressing over this test - breathe, you've got this! I have faith in you! Anders gave you a good starting point of finding great materials. I have also come across videos, which I am unable to find right now (of course), of what is on those types of tests.
This is more of an encouragement post as I don't have any resources to give (since I couldn't find the videos I was looking for). I watch a lot of YouTube for learning Excel (my favorite YouTubers are Mynda, and Leila with Xelplus). I have faith in you, you've got this!!