I need to identify those employees who will be reaching a service milestone (5, 10 and 20 yrs.) in my organization's upcoming fiscal year (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022). I have used the Datedif function to calculate the years of service in the upcoming time timeframe but now need to determine what the employee's new vacation entitlement will be based on any service milestone reached in this upcoming fiscal. Would index and match be the best function to use?
For those employees not reaching one of these service milestones, vacation entitlement is calculated based on their job classification.
Attached is the file.
I am using Microsoft Office for Enterprise 365.
Thank you.
See attached for an example. I had to change your data a bit, nothing major.
Hope this helps you forward.
Some new information has been brought to my attention. Some employees current vacation entitlement banks exceed the hours per those parameters as outlined on the 'Vacation Entitlement' tab. The way I have it structured now, were I too upload this file as is I would be reducing vacation hours to less than what they currently have for a few select employees who have vacation allotments outside the norms. That is outside parameters for their job category or years of service. How do I add this condition in one formula/step/cell.
Thank you.
Have not checked your latest file. A suggestion: If you have these persons listed in a separete table then you can simply add a new IF statement where you check if the person is listed in that table and if true you take the vacation hours from that table, if false you go with the already answered solution.
More information/learning of how vacation accruals are calculated for the next fiscal have come about. Things have got a whole lot more complicated!
Adding to my information above:
- employees reaching service milestones of 5, 10 and 20 years in next year's fiscal (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022) get hours per the vacation entitlement chart based on their job category (new category of management for levels 3 and 4). This wasn't captured in my prior examples. This is another criteria I have to account for.
- the next criteria is at what point in the month they joined the org ("Seniority Start Date" column). This only applies to employees reaching a service milestone. If they joined between the 1st and the 15th of the month they get credit (accrue) 1 full month of vacation. If they joined between the 16th and the 31st of the month they get a 1/2 month of accrual.
- all other non-milestone reaching employees get hours based on their job category
- the 4th and final layer complicating all this is, is that existing hours ("current entitlement") may trump all of the above as they are already at the max/above the usual guidelines for their job category which is why you'll see I have the max formula in there from a previous response.
Given the multiple conditions/criteria is it possible to complete all the above with 1 formula in one cell? Would Index and Match work best? Or if and?
Thank you.
Just asking myself why it is so hard to keep things simple.
Did not fully understand the accrual part, how much is full month and so forth, so I used 10% for full month and 5% for half month. You can change that part, the concept is there and it works.
Notice also I hade to alter your data again, this time I kept the word " year" in Years of Service column (D) and added the same in the lookup lists. You can't compare text against number, it needs to be the same data type.
I have used the new LET function. You should have it on your version by now.
See attached file, column H for example.
ServiceMilestone,IF(OR($C3="Mgt - 3-Mgt - 3",$C3="Mgt - 4-Mgt - 4"),VLOOKUP($D3,'Vacation Entitlement'!$A$9:$B$11,2,0),VLOOKUP($D3,'Vacation Entitlement'!$A$3:$B$5,2,0)),
JobCategory,VLOOKUP($C3,'Vacation Entitlement'!$E$6:$F$22,2,0),
Hope this works for you and that you get no more new information about this!