I am creating a workbook with six tables, as follows:
Purpose: Hold the names of SAFe Agile Release Trains
- [101], [East], [Active]
- [102], [West], [Active]
- [103], [North], [Inactive] <-- notice this ART is inactive
TABLE #2: tblTEAMS (Agile Teams)
Purpose: Hold the names of agile teams within each ART
- [201], [East], [Angels], [Active] <-- notice this team name is not unique w/o ART name
- [202], [East], [Bears], [Active]
- [203], [East], [Cubs], [Active]
- [204], [West], [Giants], [Active]
- [205], [West], [Patriots], [Inactive] <-- notice this team is inactive
- [206], [West], [Cowboys], [Active]
- [207], [West], [Angels], [Active] <-- notice this team name is not unique w/o ART name
TABLE #3: tblINCREMENTS (Valid values for SAFe Program Increments)
Purpose: A list of valid PI numbers managed by the admin on a locked worksheet
- [PI ID], [PI NAME]
- [301], [PI-1]
- [302], [PI-2]
- [303], [PI-3]
TABLE #4: tblSPRINTS (Valid values for SAFe Iterations)
Purpose: A list of valid sprint numbers managed by the admin on a locked worksheet
- [401], [S-1]
- [402], [S-2]
- [403], [S-3]
- [404], [S-4]
- [405], [S-5]
- [406], [S-6]
- [407], [S-7]
- [408], [S-8]
- [409], [S-9]
- [410], [S-10]
- [411], [S-11]
- [412], [S-12]
TABLE #5: tblTIMEBOXES (SAFe PI Sprint Combo)
Purpose: Create a list of unique combinations of ART, PI, and sprint
- [501], [East], [PI-1], [S-1]
- [502], [East], [PI-1], [S-2]
- [503], [East], [PI-1], [S-3]
- [504], [East], [PI-1], [S-4]
- [505], [West], [PI-1], [S-1]
- [506], [West], [PI-2], [S-2]
- [507], [West], [PI-2], [S-3]
- [508], [West], [PI-2], [S-4]
- [508], [West], [PI-2], [S-5]
TABLE #6: tblVELOCITY (Sprint Velocity Data)
Purpose: Record team performance in each sprint (where each team is unique to an ART, and each sprint is unique to an ART+PI)
- [601], [East], [Angels], [PI-1], [S-1], [25]
- [602], [East], [Bears], [PI-1], [S-1], [40]
- [603], [East], [Cubs], [PI-1], [S-1], [35]
- [604], [West], [Giants], [PI-1], [S-1], [82]
- [605], [West], [Cowboys], [PI-1], [S-1], [60]
- [606], [West], [Angels], [PI-1], [S-1], [110]
- [607], [East], [Angels], [PI-1], [S-2], [22]
- [608], [East], [Bears], [PI-1], [S-2], [42]
- [609], [East], [Cubs], [PI-1], [S-2], [31]
- [610], [West], [Giants], [PI-1], [S-2], [78]
- [611], [West], [Cowboys], [PI-1], [S-2], [62]
- [612], [West], [Angels], [PI-1], [S-2], [104]
I need help with data validation to ensure that only valid data combinations are entered or selected, as follows:
- [ART NAME] is mandatory
- [ART NAME] cannot include the pipe "|" character
- [ART NAME] must be unique
- [ART STATUS] is mandatory
- [ART NAME] should be a dropdown list of only the "Active" ART names from the tblARTS table
- [TEAM NAME] is mandatory
- [TEAM NAME] cannot include the pipe "|" character
- The combination of [ART NAME] and [TEAM NAME] must be unique
- [TEAM STATUS] is mandatory
DATA VALIDATION: tblINCREMENTS: N/A (table is on hidden sheet)
DATA VALIDATION: tblSPRINTS: N/A (table is on hidden sheet)
- [ART NAME] should be a dropdown list of only the "Active" ART names from the tblARTS table
- [ART NAME] is mandatory
- [TEAM NAME] should be a dropdown list of only the "Active" team names from the tblTEAMS table - filtered to include only those teams that belong to the selected ART
- [TEAM NAME] is mandatory
- [PI NUMBER] should be a dropdown list of increments from the tblINCREMENTS table
- [PI NUMBER] is mandatory
- [SPRINT NUMBER] should be a dropdown list of increments from the tblSPRINTS table
- [SPRINT NUMBER] is mandatory
- The combination of [ART NAME] + [TEAM NAME] + [PI NUMBER] + [SPRINT NUMBER] must be unique
- [ART NAME] should be a dropdown list of the ART names in the tblTIMEBOXES table (not the tblARTS table)
- [ART NAME] is mandatory
- [TEAM NAME] should be a dropdown list of the teams in the tblTIMEBOXES table (not the tblTEAMS table), but must be filtered to include only those teams that belong to the ART selected in the previous step
- [TEAM NAME] is mandatory
- [PI NUMBER] should be a dropdown list of the PIs in the tblTIMEBOXES table (not the tblINCREMENTS table), but must be filtered to include only those PI numbers where both the selected team and selected ART are a match
- [PI NUMBER] is mandatory
- [SPRINT NUMBER] should be a dropdown list of the sprints in the tblTIMEBOXES table (not the tblSPRINTS table), but must be filtered to include only those sprint numbers where the selected team, ART, and PI are a match
- [SPRINT NUMBER] is mandatory
- The combination of [ART NAME] + [TEAM NAME] + [PI NUMBER], [SPRINT NUMBER] must be unique
I'd like to turn any row in any of these tables to a red background with white text if any of the relevant rules above have somehow been violated.
Ultimately, the goal here is to prevent velocity data from being entered for invalid ARTs, team, PIs, and sprints.
I am hoping to do this with only formulas, but I can go the VBA route if required.
Many thanks in advance... and happy holidays!
Please upload a sample workbook, it will make it far easier for you to get help.
Yes, good point! That would certainly make things a lot easier to follow. So...
First - I am working with Excel Professional Plus 2016
There is one sheet in the attached workbook. That sheet contains the tables listed below. Above each table column there is a description of the help I need with that column.
- Agile Release Trains (tblARTs)
- Agile Teams (tblTEAMS) <-- Teams belong to ARTs
- SAFe Increments (tblINCREMENTS)
- Scrum Sprints (tblSPRINTS)
- Timeboxes (tblTIMEBOXES) <-- Timeboxes are unique combinations of ARTs, PIs, and Sprints
- Velocity Recordings (tblVELOCITY) <-- Velocity recordings are unique combination of ART, Team, PI, and Sprint
The workbook also includes the following named ranges (which I generally use to populate Data Validation lists):
- List_All_ARTs: All the ART names from tblARTs
- List_Valid_ARTs: All the ART names from tblTIMEBOXES <-- These are the ARTs that appear in the timeboxes table
- List_All_PIs: All the PI names from tblPIs
- List_Valid_PIs: All the PI names from tblTIMEBOXES <-- These are the PIs that appear in the timeboxes table
- List_All_Sprints: All the sprint names from tblSprints
- List_Valid_Sprints: All the sprint names from tblTIMEBOXES <-- These are the sprints that appear in the timeboxes table
- List_All_Teams: All the team names from tblTeams
- List_Unique_Teams: All the unique combinations of ART NAME and TEAM NAME from tblTeams
- List_Unique_Timeboxes: All the unique combinations of ART NAME, PI NAME, and SPRINT NAME from tblTIMEBOXES
What's missing is a list of "active" ARTs and "active" teams and "open" PIs -- which I think I need in order to filter Data Validation drop down lists to show not all cells in a named range (column), but only those cells (column values) where another column has the "active" or "open" value.
Many similar issues in this file, so I have only provided some example on how it can be solved, being Excel there are of course other methods such as VBA. See attached copy for two easy examples, if you want it more advanced then I suggest you get a license for Microsoft 365 so you can use the new array functions or use VBA.
One question though, in column AJ you write that you want "... team names in the tblTIMEBOXES (not tblTEAMS) ...", there is no such column in tblTIMEBOXES.
As you will see I use Power Query to get a semi dynamic list of values, if you had Excel 365 then I would of course use the array functions, that would make it a lot easier and completely dynamic. I am not good at writing VBA code, so I don't give any such examples.
I hope this gives you some help moving forward.
Thank you. I appreciate the recommendation. I was looking for a solution that would not require Power Query or VBA. I ended up with an INDEX MATCH solution that worked well for me.