Greetings All,
The attached workbook has two sheets, one is simply the weeks (1 to 52) each year, and the other contains students that are on courses (it shows the course start and end dates).
I am trying to identify how many students are in training for each calendar week.
Any assistance/guidance gratefully appreciated.
Hi Paul,
Nothing is attached. Click on Start Upload after selecting the file(s).
This time, hopefully
What's the difference between the two files?
No Student names? (as far as I can see)
I've attached my modification with the weeknumbers in the ALL DATA sheet then you can use COUNTIFS
Sorry I think I may have confused the issue.
The Week Start # and Week End Numbers are actually the number of students that started and then completed the course.
What I am trying to identify is how many students were present for each week of a year knowing that the courses run for longer than a week.
I've attempted a IF COUNTIFS and SUMIFS but can't seem to get the logic correct
If my course started in the 3rd January and finished 18th Jan then I would be present for Weeks 1, 2 and 3 of the year if those weeks were
01/01/23 to 07/01/23
08/01/23 to 14/01/23, and
15/01/23 to 21/01/23
In some courses the start and end numbers differs, so if those numbers represent the number of students, how would we know which week they entered or left the course?
In attached file I have used the end dates values, just change if needed.
Thanks Anders,
Finally have it sorted