Active Member
July 7, 2019
Hi. I need help in my worksheet. I need formula to calculate working hours between two dates excluding day off which is saturday, lunch and breaks.
My working hours is from 8am-5pm
my 1st break is 10:00-10:15
2nd break 3pm-3:15
lunch break 12pm-1pm
Trusted Members
December 7, 2016
Not sure what you have tried with, if you can upload a sample file with some data it will be easier to give a correct and relevant answer. I will try to give some suggestions anyway. Do check the below links.
Active Member
July 7, 2019
Thankyou, i’ll upload a sample later!
End Date: 8-july 2019 10:00
I need formula calcuting work hours between two dates excluding 1 day off, lunch break, and breaks.
my work starts at 8am-5pm only
my 1st break is 10:00-10:15
my lunch break is 12:00-13:00
my 2nd break is 15:00-15:15
day off is sunday only.
In this sample, A2 is start date, B2 is end date. And C is the answer that i am looking for formula.
I need formula calcuting work hours between two dates excluding day off, lunch break, and breaks.
my work starts at 8am-5pm only
my 1st break is 10:00-10:15
my lunch break is 12:00-13:00
my 2nd break is 15:00-15:15
day off is sunday only.
if the answer in your formula is 9hours and 30 minutes, thats the formula that i am looking for.
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