Is there a way to get around the 255 character limit in a text box that uses a cell reference? Ideally without having to use ActiveX controls, but any suggestions are welcome!
Hi Brian,
I'm not aware of any workaround, sorry.
Hi Mynda,
Thanks for looking into this. I think as a workaround I can simply use in-cell text, and move away from the text boxes. This leads me to another question - is there a way to manage the height of a row, based on the character length in a cell? Possibly a VBA application ...
Thanks again,
Somthing like the below?
Sub LenRowHeight()
Dim r As Range
Dim c As Variant
Set r = Range("a:a")
For Each c In r
If Len(c) > 10 Then
c.EntireRow.RowHeight = 50
End If
Next c
End Sub
Thanks - will give this a try - I am very novice with my VBA but we have others on my team that could help - I'll let you know how it turns out.
Very much appreciated!
If you're using VBA you could just use the code to populate the text box.