Last seen: Feb 8, 2025
I don't really know why you have a table with blank rows in it, but you can use: For i = 4 To sh.Range("A" & Application.Rows.Count).End(xlU...
Cross-posted here:
You can't refer to table ranges like that. You need to use something like: FindName = WorksheetFunction.XLookup(FullName, Application.Range("tblPhon...
If you need to do it as a calculated column, you will need to figure out how to remove some of the filters to get rid of the circular dependency - e.g...
You could add a couple of calculated columns: LatestLimit: =if(MyTable[LatestTransaction]="Yes",MyTable[Limit],BLANK()) LatestLimitBand: =LOOKUP...
That would also work as you can then just merge that column in too, and check it in the next step.
I'd just add that as a separate step afterwards since it only applies to Manual.
A simple merge query would be an easy solution.
I don't believe you can create one measure for that. The totals row has no context of what row fields are involved in the rest of the pivot table.
Why are you using a calculated column rather than a measure, as a matter of interest? The problem is that your measures are being calculated in a r...
I have a similar issue with a workbook shared in Teams. Fortunately it doesn't need refreshing that often, but I'm still looking for a better solution...
FYI, Excel in the browser is not 365, it's Excel Online. 365 is a subscription model, most of whose options also offer the desktop applications. Th...
Your Start Date and End Date measures are being calculated for each row of the table in the FILTER, so they will return true for all rows within the t...
I think Riny has summed it up nicely. 🙂 If you come from a database background, relationships in data models are a bit weird. Unless you have a me...
Do you have a value field in the pivot table? If not, you will end up with what you describe.