Hi, not sure if this is the right forum for a PowerBI Visulation question? I have 2 tables in Power Query, Invoices and Payments, they are joined InvoiceIDs in the data model. When I create a table in the dashboard I can pull in the invoiceIDs value. Then invoice amount from the Invoices table and the Payments from the Payment Table. Using the InvoiceIDs creates the mapping no issues. However in the event of multiple payments for a single invoice, the invoice row is duplicated. What I want to show is a single invoice and then 2 payments. The duplicate invoice value is not included in the column total, however visaully it appears twice. Does anyone know how to show this? In Excel it would be something like a classic pivot table view, but I can't seem to get the same in PowerBI. Thanks
For some additional clarity this is an example of what I mean.
Invoice ID Due Date Paid Date Invoice Amount Paid Amount
114688 31/3/19 25/3/19 120,575.61 66,748.18
114688 31/3/19 4/4/19 120,575.61 53,627.43
The above invoice has two payments, thus in the table it is duplicating the invoice details. I want to show the invoice once with 2 paid amounts in PowerBI. How is that possible please? Thanks
Sorry Mark, that is the way the data is displayed in a visual like a table. Each row shows data for each column.