trying to populate a spreadsheet based on the Date (this is in a drop down list) on sheet1 (data for list is in Sheeet2)
Looking to populate the data in sheet2 into sheet1 for users. i want it to change when you change the date.
formula is below and file attached (getting a N/A, I am sure I am missing something stupid)
=INDEX(sheet5!$A$1:$G$7, MATCH($A$2, sheet5!$A$1:$G$7, 0), MATCH(B3, sheet5!$A$1:$G$7, 0))
Hi Del,
You can use the FILTER function or PivotTables to extract data.
If you get stuck, please provide an example Excel file so we can help you specifically.
Your file didn't show, though I suspect that the issues arises from both MATCH functions in the formula. The first MATCH should return a row index from a single column range. Similarly, the second MATCH would adress a single row range to identify the column index. Perhaps the formula below does what you need.
=INDEX(Sheet5!$A$1:$G$7, MATCH($A$2, Sheet5!$A$1:$A$7, 0), MATCH(B3, Sheet5!$A$1:$G$1, 0))