Good morning I have been preparing data for to add to the query. The previous owner of one of thebusinesses had some data which I can transform ...
G'day and Thank You I am new to the world of pivot tables and even newer to that of power query. So I have, I think, "got it" and will follow...
Apologies Catalin I just can't seem to make this work. It's clearly something I juast don't get. My data is at the place shown on the attache...
Strålande. Tack så mycket. The original "issue" was solved by making sure each sheet had the same format: "sheet 1" and not a mixture of "shee...
I wonder if you can help with this new little "niggle" I follow all the steps, make pivot tables but when I "refresh all" i get an error which...
Thank you so much for "butting in" as you put it - Never a problem. Always glad to have some advice. Great advice. I only used the desktop as...
Thank you for your reply. I found out what I was doing wrong. I had moved all the data I needed from one vast Excel workbook into a separate wor...