Grace Miller
Active Member
Joined: May 23, 2020
RE: Convert to number and new date format
Hi Mynda, Thank you for your very quick response....but i need a fix without using power query. Is there a formula that i can use to convert everyt...
4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 16
RE: How do I correct the LEN of a number....CLEAN and TRIM don't resolve
Thank you very much Mynda and works.
4 years ago
RE: How do I correct the LEN of a number....CLEAN and TRIM don't resolve
ooops....thought i did.
4 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 29
RE: How do I change my date format from yyyy-mm-dd hhmm:ss to dd-mmm-yy
Thank you sooooooooo very much......I knew you could solve this. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!! Eternally grateful..... Grace
5 years ago
RE: Vlookup returning #N/A but not the common mistakes
Thank you so very much.....I was so frustrated. You guys are the very best!!!!! good job!!!
5 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 26
Replies: 2
Views: 38