Hi John,
I am experiencing a very unusual issue with a very simple action in my PivotTable, as when I try to apply a filter to the attached file for show me the count of data before any particular date it does not chance at all.
Could you please help me out on this.
there's no file attached.
My apologies, file is attached now.
Hi Azeemus,
You don't have the date field in the PivotTable. You can only filter on a date if you add the date field somewhere in the PivotTable. Please share a file that contains the PivotTable where you've tried to filter by a date and explain what you tried so we can reproduce the issue.
Hi Mynda,
I've re-checked the PivotTable and I think what I did wrong was no data in "Columns" data field.
I pulled 'Discipline' in the "Rows" data filed and 'Baseline Project Finish Date' in the "Values" section, this provided my a list of Disciplines and Total number of Activities in the data set.
My target was to pull out the number of activities prior to X date and when I tried to run filter in the PivotTable Fields for "BL Project Finish" it didn't work.
After reading your response I dragged the 'BL Project Finish' to "Columns" data filed and filter started working.
So thank you for the help.
Glad you got it working 🙂