I saw the below coding from youtube. Anyone can help me to understand what is the different between "Dim" & "Set"?
Are we able copy the table in editor format?
Thank you.
Sub CopyPicture()
Dim mypicture As PowerPoint.Application
Set mypicture = New PowerPoint.Application
mypicture.Visible = msoTrue
Dim mypicture_pres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Set mypicture_pres = mypicture.Presentations.Add
Dim mypicture_slide As PowerPoint.Slide
Set mypicture_slide = mypicture_pres.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutBlank)
Dim mychart As ChartObject
mypicture_slide.Shapes.PasteSpecial ppPasteBitmap
End Sub
Dim is used for declaring the object name and type, "Set" is to assign a value to it.
Set is used for objects only, not for all variables, for example:
Dim Rw as Long
What you have in that file is not a table, it's a colored range of cells that looks like a table.
Instead of pasting as image, try this:
mypicture_slide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteOLEObject, Link:=msoFalse
You can double click on it to edit.
Thank you Catalin. With this editable coding, does it link to the original source file or mainly the table copy over to pptx?
I am not an expert in macro, still at learning stage. However, I am curious are we able to track how fast macro is running when we execute the coding/program? My manager always asked me to reduce my cycle time to process a report. I wonder how to show her the timing / speed when a macro run? Do you have any idea?
Thank you.
As you can see, the line I sent has this: Link:=msoFalse
You can change it to true if you want to keep the link to original object.
At the beginning of your code:
Dim StartTime as double
At the end of your code:
Msgbox "Elapsed time: " & Format((Now()-StartTime)/24/60/60,"hh:mm:ss")
Hi Catalin,
Very helpful coding. I have tried it but the result showed as Elapsed time : 00:00:00. Does this mean the time is very fast not even 1 second?
Thank you.
I think it should actually be:
MsgBox "Elapsed time: " & Format((Now() - StartTime), "hh:mm:ss")
Thank you Velouria. It works well. 🙂