Hi, - New here.
I'm baffled by an issue on a userform. I have two textbox's One called "Available1" and one called "Add1". "Available1" gets it's value from a cell on the sheet when the form fires up - Usually a number from 1 to a couple of hundred e.g. 250. I have the following code on the Change event of "Add1" to test for...
a) That a number is entered (i.e. Not text)
b) That the number is greater than 0
c) That the number is not higher than the value in "Available1"
d) That the number is a whole number (no decimal points)
Private Sub Add1_Change()
If Not IsNumeric(Me.Add1.Text) And Add1.Text <> "" Then
If Len(Add1.Text) > 1 Then
Add1.Text = Abs(Round(Left(Add1.Text, Len(Add1.Text) - 1), 0))
Add1.Text = ""
End If
ElseIf Add1.Text <> "" Then
If Add1.Text = 0 Then
Add1.Text = ""
ElseIf Add1.Text > Available1.Text Then
If MsgBox "Are you sure you want to enter a number higher than the amount available?", vbYesNo + vbCritical) = vbNo Then
Add1.Text = ""
Add1.Text = Abs(Round(Add1.Text, 0))
End If
End If
End Sub
All works fine apart from the greater than element. It seems to only recognise the first digit when applying the code. e.g. If "Available1" has a single digit number 1 - 8 if I entered 9 it would popup the message. However, if I entered 10 it would ignore the fact that its higher. It's as if it just recognises the first digit from each textbox. I have limited experience with VBA and am baffled. I'd be grateful for some assistance.
Hi Steve,
You're doing a string comparison with Add1.Text > Available1.Text rather than comparing numeric values.
Try using the Val() function to convert the strings to numbers. If the value passed to Val is not a valid number, it returns 0
Val(Add1.Text) > Val(Available1.Text)
Read more here on Val and other string functions
Many thanks. Your solution worked great.
Really grateful, thanks for taking the time to assist.
No worries Steve