October 5, 2010
There isn't any consistent pattern to be able to match. The first line is the name Adam Moore and you are looking for the pattern adam.p.moore and you have flagged that as a match.
How would I know that this is a match? What about the middle inital p ? Would the name Adam Moorefield also be a match?
Sometimes you are matching just the first letter of the first name and the middle and last names (Ah Kane Jean Pierre), sometimes it's matching the first 2 letters of the first name (Assan Mbye).
There are too many variations that are considered a match for me to be able to write code that would match all of these.
You really need the data in a consistent form. The 'pattern' looks like the first part of an email address and this varies too much to know what is and isn't considered a match for it.
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