Hi everyone, my name is Maurizio
And my Problem is this:
On the Excel sheet I have inserted a button that recalls the function of entering a progressive number in the column (A) provided that the column (B) there is any data;
And so far everything is ok
Ahora what I would try to do: It would be to have a code, which knows how to evaluate whether the last data entered in column (B) is equal to "Zero" or "One".
I'll explain :
1) Then I said that if I write any data (Numerical or Alphanumeric) that is; In the Column (B)
In Column (A) a progressive number is entered!
2) On the contrary, if I eliminate the last data entered in column (B), the number that appears in column (A) continues to remain there in its place; While I would like it to disappear, ("") all here.
It looks like an easy thing to solve
But I can't do it.
Thanks for all the help you want to give me about it; Greetings from A. Maurizio
Hi Maurizio,
Your code already inserts numbers into Col A as you wish, so what you need is for some code to delete a number from Col A if the data in the same row in Col B is deleted?
If you want to do that as soon as the data in Col B is deleted you can use an event to clear the data from Col A.
Hi Philip Treacy Sorry if I answer you just now; But I was taken with problems of familiar character.
Having said that Even though I didn't understand very well what you wrote.
Not only do I thank you for your interest.
But I also want to tell you that by dint of doing tests on evidence; I then managed to solve my problem.
And always for your fairness to you I offer you my Project.
Thanks again for everything, but it is true that the practice is the best school in the world.
Hello and to the Next
Thank you !!!!!!