Active Member
October 12, 2020
Hi There,
Countinue to the topic of "Automating and Emailing Pivot Table Reports" and been post by Philip,
I did download the file excel and ths for sharing the excel file.
But I m having problem in step “Create an email and attach the PDF”. The fomular of Vlookup does not perform as usual. When I press Run the VBA , the fomular start to pick random email from database, not matching value. I did change fomular a lit bit and format data cell in number order (for easy matching) but problem is not solved. Could you help me out of this, I am appreciate your help
Below is fomular I am having trouble with. I also attach my file in this forum.
.To = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Range(“B1”).Value, Worksheets(“Managers”).Range(“Managers!A2:B15”), 2, True)
October 5, 2010
VLOOKUP will only work on data that is sorted.
If you have XLOOKUP you can use that on unsorted data though
WorksheetFunction.XLookup( Range("e3").Value, Worksheets("Managers").Range ("Managers[ma]"), Worksheets("Managers").Range( "Managers[Email]"))
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