Once I created an automatic dashboard with PQ based on external addresses like google sheet or web based files, what are the options for me to share the output to peoples that may not have even excel installed ?
SharePoint is an option for that ? Can I define in SharePoint somebody that is not in my organization (Gmail address only)
Can I do it without involving Power BI ?
Other options you know ?
Many thanks.
You could save the Excel file as a PDF and then email or share on a network.
Hi Bruno,
Or you can securely embed the dashboard in a web page. This is free for everyone, whereas Power BI requires all users to have a licence at US$10/month, or for your tenant to have Premium capacity, which is in the thousands per month.
Many thanks Mynda.
When doing so, I receive the following message : metricail.sharepoint.com refused to connect. From documentation in the web, I understand it may be related to a Cross-domain definition at Sharepoint
Is that something you are aware of and can be corrected from my end or is it a developer or a Microsoft definition to allow cross domain iframe connectivity.
The iframe I built and try to check is the following :
<iframe width="710" height="920" src="https://metricail.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/Retorno/EcH8pPmzJKVPr2UVTdeFkf4BiC4y-LtMmKLA1oxdKu6Tzg?e=4gnFrj&embedview&wdbipreview=true&wdAllowInteractivity=true&wdHideSheetTabs=True&Item=dashboard&wdHideHeaders=True&ActiveCell=A1"></iframe>
I checked that in the following simulator : https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_iframe
Hi Bruno,
I'm not sure, sorry. You'd have to speak to your SharePoint administrator. They may have prevented sharing.
This is my SharePoint and I checked with Microsoft support also, they don't have a fix for me.
I will check with an HTML dev ...
Mynda, just to close that loop, after 4 different guys looks at the iframe, I understood by myself that I had a typo .... Frustrating but good lesson 🙂 Everything works fine.
Additional question concerning that capability : Do I have an option to add a refresh capability (button ?) in order to allow refreshing the data ? I tried with a simple macro and it seems it is having some issues with that. The purpose is to have the data of that iframe updated without my involvement.
If I am understanding correctly, then attach this line of code to a command button