Hi, All
I would like to seek help on how can I manage this scenario. In the attached file, I have column A "Date Creation". Some of those rows do not have any dates. For those without dates, the return would be the date today *excel function TODAY()*.
Not really sure if this is doable in power query.
I hope that someone can help me out on this.
Thank you!
Hi Gli,
No file attached. You need to click the 'start upload' button after selecting your file.
Anyhow, you can use the following formula to insert the current date into the query:
If you want to only populate this in cells that don't have a date you could use something like this via Add Custom Column:
= if [Date Creation] = null then Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) else [Date Creation]
Hi Mynda,
I'm sorry I was not able to attached the file. But thank you so much! It did work. 🙂