Hi Catalin, Mynda
I have one table
Employee No Employee Name Account No Account % Scope Item Weightage Bonus Target Bonus Tgt by cc
Table 1
Cost Centre Rev YTD Target LC YTD Target Rev YTD Actual LC YTD Actual
Table 2
Scope Rev YTD Target LC YTD Target Rev YTD Actual LC YTD Actual
final merge report
Employee No Employee Name Account No Account % Scope Item Weightage Bonus Target Bonus Tgt by cc Connector (either Table 1 Cost Center or Table 2 Scope) Scope Rev YTD Target LC YTD Target Rev YTD Actual LC YTD Actual
we wanted to achieve just using the employee table to merge with Table 1 and Table 2 to achieve the results, i.e. only one query
instead of using 3 queries (see attached)
is it possible ?
Thank you in advance
Hi Chris,
I don't see a way to do this any easier/with less tables than you're already using other than writing a custom function, but this doesn't really mean it'll be any more efficient.