I have a problem with stock history as one of the stocks did not get completely filled. See the file under the company PLTR. It gives me a N/A error. The formula has not been modified (TRANSPOSE(STOCKHISTORY(B24,TODAY()-365,TODAY(),0,0,1)). The rest of the companies are fine (name, ticker, etc).
Can you help us with this and why is it happening?
Thank you!
Hi Ernst,
Welcome to our forum and thanks for sharing your file.
This stock doesn't have data until Sep 9, 2020. If you enter this formula in a column:
You can see #N/A errors start at Sep 14, 2020, which is when the stock became active, but no pricing data yet. Then on Sep 30, 2020 prices start. You'll need to modify the formula to reference the dates in column 2:
If you want to hide the errors:
Good morning, Thank you so much for your help!
I updated it as you mentioned, and it worked as you said!... On a side note, is there a reason why some stocks may show blank data towards the most recent date? Like for instance the same one I had the issue with - I see blank cells towards the most recent date.
Thank you again for your assistance. It's been very well appreciated.
Glad I could help, Ernst.
I'd say the blank cells will be a result of the exchange not providing the data. When they eventually provide the data those blanks should go away.