Hello I think the question is clear and does not need an explanation. Please assume three tables in an Excel file and solve the problem with the function mentioned in the title.
Hi Farshad,
The tone of your email does not come across well. If you would like an answer to your question, it is courtesy to provide some data yourself rather than expect our volunteers to do the work for you. We do not know if the data in the three separate tables is the same, has the same headers etc. There are many assumptions to be made.
I recommend you rephrase your question and provide a file.
You are absolutely right, a file is attached
Hi Farshad,
Why do you want to use List.Accumulate for this? You can just append (combine) the tables to create 1 table.
= Table.Combine({Table1, Table2, Table3})
Hello to Philip and Mynda . I had seen uses of List.Accumulate In order to understand more about this function, I asked the members to add this example as well. I am a beginner in programming and I am old, so I am trying to learn by seeing many examples
Hi Farshad,
List.Accumulate is not necessary in this scenario.
However, the query looks like this:
Source = List.Accumulate({Table1,Table2,Table3},#table({},{}),(state,current)=>Table.Combine({state,current}))
List.Accumulate is an iterator. When we have a function (Table.Combine) that can combine tables in a single operation, iterators are no longer necessary.
What it does:
Iteration 1: Combines first table with the empty one (state is initially an empty table), state = Table1
Iteration 2: Combines first table with second table, state = Table1 & Table2
Iteration 3: Combines state with third table, state = Table1 & Table2 & Table3
Hello Catalin. Thank you for your reply
Mynda and the rest of the members Again, I apologize if there was a misunderstanding