Hi, hopefully a simple query but I've not been able to solve it myself!
I have a set of pivot tables where I want the rows to come out in a designated order, not alphabetical. I have a code* I could sort by, but would prefer not to combine it with its description to produce the list, but would like to sort by it. I know i can 'move' the fields up or down to my required order, which is fine for small tables, but tedious in large ones.
* the code is used is all my access databases for a variety of fields (organisations, departments etc) where the code is in the data table and the description in look up tables.
Is there a simple solution?
Thanks, Deirdre
Let's say you have a column with the first three characters for each month (Jan, Feb, Mar etc.) Using these in pivot tables will put them in alphabetical order (like Apr, Aug, Dec etc.)
In PP, select the month column and on the Home tab, select Sort by Column and pick the column that contains the sorting order as indicated in the picture below.
Thanks for your reply Riny, unfortunately i'm not currently using power pivot, just pivot tables from data in access. Will look into pp though as it appears to do what i want it to.