Hi all I wonder if anyone can assist?
I have workbook with multiple sheets. I want to perform a Lookup across all the sheets based on the ID field but am having trouble with the syntax.
In essence I want a single view based on the ID Field in all sheets if the ID is on all three worksheets & I want it to return all the fields on all the sheets in the order specified on the v-lookup tab.
So if Colum A (LLID)on the “Masterlog” worksheet isn’t blank then return all those fields on the “V-lookup Tab” .
I then want it to return all the fields on the “indicators of risk” sheet if llid (Colum A) on the v-lookup tab
Finally I want to return all fields on the “Outcomes Data” Tab to be returned on the V-Lookup tab
When I try and do this I keeping getting "I’ve entered too many arguments" error can anybody help?
Hi Kris,
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Mynda Treacy said
Hi Kris,Your file didn't upload properly. Can you try uploading it again, please.
Kris Ward said
Hi all I wonder if anyone can assist?I have workbook with multiple sheets. I want to perform a Lookup across all the sheets based on the ID field but am having trouble with the syntax.
In essence I want a single view based on the ID Field in all sheets if the ID is on all three worksheets & I want it to return all the fields on all the sheets in the order specified on the v-lookup tab.
So if Colum A (LLID)on the “Masterlog” worksheet isn’t blank then return all those fields on the “V-lookup Tab” .
I then want it to return all the fields on the “indicators of risk” sheet if llid (Colum A) on the v-lookup tab
Finally I want to return all fields on the “Outcomes Data” Tab to be returned on the V-Lookup tab
When I try and do this I keeping getting "I’ve entered too many arguments" error can anybody help?
Kris Ward said
Hi all I wonder if anyone can assist?I have workbook with multiple sheets. I want to perform a Lookup across all the sheets based on the ID field but am having trouble with the syntax.
In essence I want a single view based on the ID Field in all sheets if the ID is on all three worksheets & I want it to return all the fields on all the sheets in the order specified on the v-lookup tab.
So if Colum A (LLID)on the “Masterlog” worksheet isn’t blank then return all those fields on the “V-lookup Tab” .
I then want it to return all the fields on the “indicators of risk” sheet if llid (Colum A) on the v-lookup tab
Finally I want to return all fields on the “Outcomes Data” Tab to be returned on the V-Lookup tab
When I try and do this I keeping getting "I’ve entered too many arguments" error can anybody help?
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