I’m really interested to find out how to do the same for Review date for policy and documents I wonder if we can use the Today's function to create a review date conditional formatting on MS Lists
Example: Conditional format policies based on review date.
For Review Within 6 Months
For Review Within 1 Year
For Review Within 2 Years
For Review Within 3 or more Years.
Kind regards,
I didn't notice your post until today. Looked at your file but have difficulties understanding what you exactly want. You have successfully applied conditional formatting (CF) to the Review Date column only. Would you want to extend that to all (or some of) the other columns?
By the way, it's better not to use CF rules that apply to a range including over a million rows. Limit it to 100, 1000, or whatever number that is large enough to cover your (expanding) data. Even better to transform the data into a structured Excel table and apply the formatting to columns in the table. THE CF rules will adapt automatically when you add rows to the table.
And just wondering why you used the xlsm extension when you saved the file. As there are no macro's in the file I'd use the default extension xlsx.
Hi Riny,
Thank you for coming back to me. Simply, I would like to apply the same conditional formatting formula to get the same result on Microsoft Lists. Is it doable, or with lists, will it be limited?
It can be done in Lists. A simple way is to create a calculated column that subtracts the review date from TODAY() (or vice versa) and then you can conditionally format your review date column based on the number of days in the calculated column.