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Can you please help me to figure work out what wrong here with this formula below which I suppose :
- If the value in cell [@Signal] is one of the specified signals and the value in cell [@Ready2] is empty, the value in cell [@Entry] will be copied to cell [@Ready2].
- If the value in cell [@Signal] is one of the specified signals and the value in cell [@Ready2] is not empty, the value in cell [@Ready2] will remain unchanged, even if the value in cell [@Signal] changes.
- If the value in cell [@Signal] is not one of the specified signals, the value in cell [@Ready2] will remain unchanged, even if the value in cell [@Signal] changes.
- The value in cell [@Ready2] will remain unchanged, even if the value in cell [@Entry] changes.
- [@Entry] is live share price I pull in and I am using Microsoft 365 which maybe the problem. The formula below works If [@Entry] is the normal column with manually typing in.
- [@Ready2] return 0 if [@Entry] is live share price
The formula:
=IF(OR([@Signal]="S BUY 1",[@Signal]="S BUY 2",[@Signal]="S BUY 3",[@Signal]=1,[@Signal]="BUY"),IF(AND([@Ready2]="",[@Entry]<>"",ISNUMBER([@Entry])),[@Entry],[@Ready2]),IF([@Ready2]="", "",[@Ready2]))
Thanks for your helps
Posted : 12/10/2023 10:16 pm
I tested you formula and it does produce different results depending on what's in either of the three columns referenced, as demonstrated in the attached file. If this is not what you expect, please attach a workbook of your own that give the wrong results.
Posted : 13/10/2023 12:48 am