January 11, 2019
Hello great people,
Please I have a file (attached). In the file, I have Purchase sheet and Sales sheet of drug items. Everything is working fine as it is except for one feature which I have not been able to wrap my head around.
If for instance on 01/11/2022 I Bought 100 pcs of Item with code number 001 and batch number 21000, and I also purchased 200 pcs of the same item on another date but with batch number 41000 (ALL ENTRIES GOES INTO PURCHASE SHEET).
Now in the sales sheet, when I enter the same Item code and I used batch number 21000, and for instance quantity to be sold is 50 out of the 100 purchased, I want a situation whereby if I am making sales at a later day, I should not be able to sell batch number of 41000 until I am done selling qty left for batch number 21000.
Note: All other things are working.
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November 8, 2013
Hi Vic Man,
Is it FIFO method you are looking for?
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