I have this form for QC personal to enter either numbers or "P for Pass" or "F for Fail".
1) All columns are automatically should be "RED - Not OK" until data is entered. This is now working for numbers, but not "P" or "F".
2) When numbers are entered in Upper and Lower limits, "X" stay RED in "Not OK" column first. When the numbers are entered in between "F to Q", if the numbers are in between Upper and Lower limits, "X" moves to "OK" Column and turns to GREEN X, if not stays in "Not OK" columns and stays RED.
3) When there is no number in Upper and Lower limits required to do visual check or use tools and gauges to verify product, "X" should be in "Not Ok" Column until inspectors should put "P" or "F" in between "F to Q". If it is "P" X needs to move to "OK" column.
I managed "X" to stay in "Not OK" when there are no data in between column "F-Q" and move to "OK" or "Not OK" when data is entered, but I could not figure out how to make "X" to show up in column "OK or Not OK" when user enters "P" and "F".
Anybody can help me out with this?
Just a thought, but instead of using letters P and F, can you instead use 0 and -1 instead? Then you can use same approach as you already have.
You can always use Custom number formatting to show P and F anyway.
Yes I can but, we have factories in India, Vietnam, Thailand, China and 3 factories in US. All QC personal (20-25 people) knows P-Pass, F-Fail. It will be confusing for some people to put 0-1.
Ok, it was just a thought. My experience is that mixing number values and text values in same cells as allowed data just gives problems. Best is to keep it clean, either it is only numbers or only text that should be entered.
With above statement in mind, is it possible to add an extra column, so that you can have P or F in a separate cell? What I have understood from your sample file it is probably a no as an answer, but anyway.
In attached copy of your file I have done some adjustments. I am pretty sure this can be handled more effectively using VBA. I am not a fan of nesting functions this much as I have done here. Perhaps there is a better method, but this is best of my knowledge.