Attached is a hypothetical dataset - Sheet1 has unique ID (ID), Description (text) and Type (S or B).
Sheet2 is a pivot table grouped by Type, then Description and count of ID.
I want to display the top 10 for each grouping of description. If I try to do so, all I get is the first group (the B group in this case) displaying its 'Top 10', but not the S group - this is what is displayed in the example.
Is it possible to get both sets of 'Top 10'?
You are getting top 10 for both. The issue is that you have so many equal counts in the second group (note that there are also more than 10 displayed for the first group due to ties).
Hi Kevin,
It is filtering all types for top 10. The problem is that you have ties in your data and when there's a tie, all tied results are displayed. e.g. Type B shows 12 results because there are ties with ID counts of 15,12,11 and 10. It stops at a count of 10 because without it there would be less than 10 results.
Whereas Type S has counts of 30, 20, 14 and 13, but there are some 62 records with a count of 13.
If you sort the Count of ID column in descending order it is clearer.