I hope I can explain my question.
I know all about the Personal macrobook, installing and using AddIns, etc and have ben writing VBA code for the past 25 years (and programming even longer)
What I have been trying to figure out is how it comes that when you open a New Instance in Excel that environment does not recognize the macros in the Personal Macrobook and an AddIn I have created with some common routines I like to have present during my Excel sessions will not be available either.
When I open the VBA Editor you do not see the Personal Macrobook project or the AddIn project .
I am using Office 2021 64-bit but the same thing happend with 32-bit 2019 and probably also with earlier versions.
Anyone any ideas? I wonder if this is a Microsoft Glitch or something that was not accounted for by the Microsoft developers.
Thanks for reading and any information is welcome.
How are you opening the new instance? If you do it in code using automation (I.e. not Shell) then no startup files are loaded (that has always been the case).
Thanks Velouria,
I was so focused on the app I was working on that I forgot about that, it's just like Auto_Open which fails when you run it from code.
I got it, tested it and it works as now like I want it to work.
You see how simple it is to have a blindspot when focused.
Thanks again.