This may be a silly question but I am having difficulty combining some data. I have tried X-Lookup but since watching one of Mynda's videos, I have tried index and match. It worked...partly. Only returning a couple of values and the rest have the #N/A error. Not sure what I am doing wrong?
I need to match the value in columns D (student number) and A (subject) in the first workbook with columns A (student number) and F (subject) in another workbook to return the teacher (column G in the second workbook) into column B in the first workbook.
I have been trying for a few hours but keep running into errors. I have watched many Youtube vids....
Thank you!
A picture is worth a thousand words. A file attachment is worth a thousand pictures. Attach a file showing what you have (8-10 records only) and a mocked up solution for those 9-10 records.
Of course. Sorry about that. I have attached two mocked up files - workbook 1 and workbook 2 as referenced in the original post. The index and match formula is from the original file. I hope this helps.
The samples provided don't actually have any matches, so it's hard to say why your formula isn't working with your real data, other than that presumably the #NA data really doesn't have a match.