I have to create a tally of daily hours worked by employees who Check In and Check Out of dog walking jobs on an app to record the job as being completed. I can download the data and have set up a pivot table and slicers to isolate 2 conditions
- Column A (Employee Initials)
- Column B (Date of Service)
I then have a MIN and a MAX formula run off of the pivot table and use that to generate the hours worked. It provides what I need, but it is a very manual process (I have to use the slicer to change the employee and date for each entry, and enter them one at a time). I am looking for a formula that will give me the MIN and MAX for each employee, by date, and return a "0:00" on days they don't work. I have not been successful at creating this myself unfortunately.
I am using O365 / Windows 10 pc.
2 week sheet is attached, thanks in advance for any help with this.
No file has been attached. Think you might have missed the upload step after attaching.
I sure must have, apologies.