I need to produce the attached calendar view which places a X in the month the task would be delivered in. I would like to dynamically populate the calendar view based on filtered pivot table results. I thought of doing conditional formatting but having no luck with the formula. I also tried to maybe approach if from a chart perspective but no success there either.
Any help would be appreciated. The X values in the attached sheet are hard coded to show my intention.
The calendar didn't come through. Please try again and don't forget to press the "Start upload" button before you submit your reply.
Sorry not sure what happened. Hopefully it attaches now.
As you want it to be dynamic it is easiest to make the calendar in a pivot table, as shown in the attached copy.
If you want to have two separate tables, just make a copy of the existing pivot table and change the structure as needed. Instead of using filter, use slicers. With slicers you can connect two or more pivot tables that shares the same data cache, so when filtering all of the connected tables will be filtered.