Dear Mynda,
I find out your web site through you tube and i am very happy to be a member.
I have problem with calculating work hours in Excel and please, i'd like your help.
I am an HR Officer employed with Comrade Trustee Service Limited (CTSL) and we normally calculate hours manually in every pay period. Therefore i'd like an effect way to calculate the Net Hours fast using excel formula.This is how our times are implemented:
1. the normal hours required each day is 7.5 excluding lunch hour.
2. Clock in time is 8:00 am but 15 minutes is given as grace period. which means if an employee comes (Clock In) after 8:15 am His/her hour is docked(cut by 0.2 hours)
3. Clock Out time is 4:30 pm (16:30 pm) and hours worked after 4:30 pm (4:31,4:324:33....)is not calculated unless an employee applies for Over Time, (the same applies to morning hours).
Now my Query.
The table below shows the times of one of our officer. you will notice that on 15th October 2018, his clock-in time is 8:47 am and clock-out time is 16:33 pm (4:30 pm). Extra Hours worked is 0.27 hours which will be excluded, total hours worked is 7.77 Hours. the Net Hours is not given, which suppose to be 6.72 hours.
Date | First IN | Last OUT | Gross Hours |
Total Hours | Extra | Net-Work Hours |
Total Overtime |
Less Hours |
004 - BENNY BOIL | ||||||||
13/10/2018 | - | (7.50) | 0.00 | |||||
14/10/2018 | 8:00 | 16:30 | - | (7.50) | 7.5 | |||
15/10/2018 | 08:47 | 16:33 | 07:46 | 7.77 | 0.27 | 6.72 | 00:03 | 00:00 |
Note that First In and Last Out is (Clock In & Out) time after the hour (8) is in minutes (47)
As per the above table i relay would want a function that would captured the Net Hours Column in Bold, automatically and registered as 7.5 hours using Excel Formula, excluding Hours worked before 8:15 am and hours worked after 4:30 pm. for example, if Benny happends to come in at 8:00 am and clock-out at 4:30 pm it will automatically calculate as 7.5 hours, but if he comes in as shown above in the table his times has to read automatically as 6.72 hours in a diminishing sequence.
I await your generous help.
Thank you
Hi Charlie,
Please see file attached.
Note: some of your information doesn't tally with the example. Specifically I can't get 6.72 net work hours on 15/10/2018 because I'm assuming the late penalty is in addition to the time he arrived late. i.e. you dock a further 12 minutes from his time for that day? If this isn't the case then you can just remove this column.
Thank you very much Mynda and i appreciate your help very much.
i will try work with the attachment you sent, but please, i will still come back for help if i encounter some complications with excel.
I am also thinking of doing your training online but i haven't confirmed as yet, but i'll keep in touch.
Thank you and God Bless.
Hi Mynda,
Please i need your help as i am stuck with few complications.
Note that i applied the functions you have sent it was good, however for some officers as the example below. On Dorothy clock-in at 8:08 am- which is early (before 8:15 am) and clock-out at 16:36 pm which is after 16:30 pm, and therefore i was expecting her hour in Decimal to be 7.5, because she has worked full 7.5 hours from 8:08 am - 4:36 pm, instead it is giving 7.37.
Please help me, how i can make it become 7.5 hours. i would love to have a function that would give 7.5 hours if staff a staff comes in before 8:15 am and after 4:30/16:30 pm. if a staff comes in after 8:15, 8:16, 8:17 and before 4:30, 4:29,4:28, 4:27 pm etc... it will automatically doc their time.
Also i am attached our entire time & attendance report below, you might want to have a look.
037 - DOROTHY DUWABA | in | out | gross hours | lunch | Less Late Penalty | Less Unauthorized Overtime | Net Hours | Hours in Decimal | |
Monday | 15/10/2018 | 8:11 | 17:13 | 9:01 | 1:00 | 0:00 | 0:43 | 7:18 | 7.30 |
Tuesday | 16/10/2018 | 8:08 | 16:36 | 8:28 | 1:00 | 0:00 | 0:06 | 7:22 | 7.37 |
Wednesday | 17/10/2018 | 7:51 | 16:42 | 8:50 | 1:00 | 0:00 | 0:20 | 7:30 | 7.50 |
Thursday | 18/10/2018 | 8:05 | 16:34 | 8:28 | 1:00 | 0:00 | 0:04 | 7:24 | 7.40 |
Friday | 19/10/2018 | 8:05 | 16:45 | 8:39 | 1:00 | 0:00 | 0:15 | 7:24 | 7.41 |
Saturday | 20/10/2018 | ||||||||
Sunday | 21/10/2018 | ||||||||
Monday | 22/10/2018 | 7:50 | 16:48 | 8:58 | 1:00 | 0:00 | 0:28 | 7:30 | 7.50 |
Tuesday | 23/10/2018 | 7:51 | 16:46 | 8:55 | 1:00 | 0:00 | 0:25 | 7:30 | 7.50 |
Wednesday | 24/10/2018 | 7:35 | 16:44 | 9:09 | 1:00 | 0:00 | 0:39 | 7:30 | 7.50 |
Thursday | 25/10/2018 | 7:50 | 16:40 | 8:49 | 1:00 | 0:00 | 0:19 | 7:30 | 7.50 |
Friday | 26/10/2018 | 8:47 | 16:50 | 8:03 | 1:00 | 0:12 | 0:20 | 6:30 | 6.51 |
Hi Mynda,
i tried to attached the entire time & attendance report sheet but it couldn't upload properly, but please if use the above table it would be okay.