Hi folks,
I am hesitating writing this post as I doubt I will be able to completely articulate what I am asking for help with but here goes...
The attached workbook has four tabs:
WL Gantt - Gantt style planning sheet, (you have been helping me with formulas for this one for weeks thank you!)
Lists - just the lists for the drop downs on the WL Gantt sheet
Job Data - basic details about projects/jobs we have on the board
Tool Data - basic details about the state of our equipment, (i.e. what is available what is broken etc)
In rows 1-8 of the WL Gantt sheet, you can see me trying to determine when we will have a shortage of equipment based on the jobs. I am trying to figure out the best way to add the following capability:
Include or not include projects based on their probability, i.e. 100% projects are always included in the planning but I can drop 50% probability projects to see what that does to the equipment numbers. I know I could just temporarily delete the 50% project and then add it back later but was hoping for something that is as dynamic but with less effort.
Include the equipment totals that are listed in "Tool Data" as currently unavailable.
I realize this is probably a longer exercise that may not be suited for the forum but I wanted to ask as any ideas you have may just be the catalyst I need to crack the problem.
Many thanks,
Hi Alan,
You can use form control check boxes to choose when to include/exclude data. The form control returns a Boolean TRUE or FALSE result. When you perform a math operation on Boolean values they convert to their numeric equivalent of 1 and 0.
See this example of where I use a check box to turn on/off conditional formatting for inspiration.
I hope that gives you some ideas.
Many thanks Mynda,
I will give it a go and let you know how I get on - thanks for always coming to the rescue!